My Guardian Angel

The night was dark and menacing as the flame around me grew,

Beams were falling around me, stopping the fighters from getting through.

All it took was the ash from a smoke and a flame began to rise,

The air was musty, it was hard to breath the poison was hurting my eyes.

Voices were calling me begging me to come but it was difficult for me to move.

Trapped under wood, debris and beams I knew it would leave more than a bruise.

I could see a light in the distance, everything became clear,

I could see my mummy in the circle telling me not to fear.

She told me my heroes were coming; I would get out of this house alive,

I would grow up to be a young woman, my beauty I would learn to strive.

I reached out to my mummy; I wanted to hold her tight

But then she seemed to disappear, she faded into the light.

When I woke my daddy told me I cheated death today,

My heroes pulled me from the burning house; they were so strong and brave.

I told my dad about mummy and how she helped me live,

My daddy cried and told me the best Guardian Angel they had chosen me to give.