Walking away. [poem]/Song :]

There is the kind of person,
that you regret,
you'd like to forget,
and wish they never came into your life,

bringing all that pain,
made you stay up for hours at a time,
and then make you feel so bad,
that you brake down and cry,

fighting back to from being afraid,

there will be no more,
pain and suffering,
blood just glissning,

Twisted words,
tricked my heart,
abuse my trust,
ignord from the start,

I just like to say,
Im putting an end to it today,
*Yeah today,
Theres nothing you can say.

Im walking away,
Nothing you could say,
*To change my mind,
I gave you way to much time,
So im just going to go,
*one last look from the door,

No more war between us,
No more kissing in the rain,
*No no no,
Just gona end the pain,