
I need to cry this night right out of my life,
But the pain is too deep.
The tears that cry deep within me,
Are screaming to be let out.
To escape.
But they can't.

It's all about how the pain is goddamn self-induced.
But how can one person be responsible for all this shit?
They don't know a fucking thing about pain.

My world is crashing down upon my shoulders,
But the weight of the debris is too much for me to handle alone.

I need someone, something,
To help me break free from the monotony,
The agony,
The pain,
The crap of life.

But No.

The knowledge that after this temporary high,
I will have no support,
No family.

I will be alone, as I always have been.
And the thought that this is so close at hand
Is too much for me to handle.