Terrible Conviction Part II

I just wanted to say,
Thank you for blaming it on me.

You built me up
To watch me fall,
When all I did was love you.

You took it out on me
And cause me pain.
And as soon as I found the words to say,
You threw them back at me,
Twisting my truth into lies.

I loved you
And I'm sure that you loved me,
And for this to be happening,
Causes me pain beyond belief,
Unlike anything I've ever experienced before.

I want the best for you.
I want you to be happy.
I want you to come home safely.

The way you change it into something that it's not
Is unfair to me.
Unfair to yourself.

You hurt me to the point where I hurt myself,
But I still can't get you out of my head.
Out of my heart.

I love you more than you'll ever know,

If you hate me forever,
I don't blame you.
You turned me into something
That I never expected to be.

But I keep loving you.

Tell me I'm wrong
Tell me you are still the guy
I fell in love with.
Because lately,
It hasn't seemed that way, love.