Feel the blood.

Closing in,
The Alone can get you.
Your never safe,
Never alone.
Its never enough,
to feel that one slice
One cut
One swift movement.
Dont worry,
they wont know.
But they do, They question it.
You stay silent.
No answers,
only provoking
More and More.
they come silently one night
they say they are looking for something,
Your wrist prickles,
and you know. You know in your gut,
The Alone has come.
And they are all.
Against you.
Cornering you into a trap, you cant deny.
they find it,
Gleeming in the harsh floresent glow of your perfect.
your safe haven,
no longer your own.
they grab your wrist
and expose the sweet, sweet
upon your arm.
So slient ou were,
hiding them so well.
To late.