the critics love it

well he stood up before he fell over
so he was better before he got sick
but now he lies over the
counter, counting his lives
like a cat on the fence of somthing quite toixic

(verse 2)
stich up ur lips because out leeks the lies
u can't keep it in. its not your fault
shoot it in bleed it out.
throw it up, beat it down
blood on bathroom floor would never made u frown

love sick
manic, called him panic, through the rating read satanic,
oh what a sick romance this turned out to be
so,color me, color me in chatastrophe


smiles liek witchcaft, burn in hell
its all over the floor now, might as well,

(boy spilled his existances all over the cement, get the clean up crew asille 7 never ment.
a ruby red mess tonight.)

did u get the refills on those pretty pills, are u cleaning up the blood spills
your daddy told u not to be,
VICIOUS! But the critics love it!