You're Too Perfect For Me

You're cute and funny,
Considerate, Handsome,
Forever Caring,
Sweet and loving,
You're too perfect for me

You're intelligent and creative,
Immensly talented,
Determined, stubborn yet shy.
Forever smiling,
Brightening up my day,
You're too perfect for me

You're kind and loyal,
Courteous, Brave
And a good sense of humour too,
Forever laughing,
You're Loved by everyone,
And you're too perfect for me.

So don't ever change,
Don't get sucked in and brainwashed
By all the latest trends.
Because to be honest,
I wouldn't care if you were hated by the world,
As long as you stay true to yourself,
I'll love you, just the way you are.

Give me time,
Give me a chance
Give me an oppurtunity to show you,
That although I'm not perfect,
I can try to improve,
I can try to smile, and laugh,
To Care and help others just like you have.

And maybe... just maybe...

We'll Eventually Be Perfect For Each Other...
