
A flash of feathers,
Fleeting glances, sweet smiles up,
Why can’t I join them?

Where am I?
Why aren’t I up there?
I have no wings,
Yet I feel them resting
Between my shoulders,
Against my back,
Waiting to snap open
Catch the wind
And each feather
Reaching out with my fingers,
Hands clasp each other,
His fingers intertwine with mine
We spread our wings together
Our wings lift us upwards

My first beats are stiff,
He keeps me flying
Then I realise
I fly
I can fly on my own
But I don’t
I’m with him, and we are
We are
He kisses the nape of my neck,
And I smile
We will never have to land
I love him,
And he loves me
Why should we land?

And he’s there,
Waiting for me to smile
And when I do,
He’ll reach out to me
I am not me
Unless he is there
Who knew I had these feelings?
He did
And yet he is a stranger
I had never seen him before
But my heart is next to his heart
All the same

Who else?
I do not know,
Or do I?
I cannot say
I need to search to see
He runs a finger across my feathers
Each was singled out
But all were as a whole
The feelings

I have the urge
To land
To feel the earth against me again
Once more
Before I leave
He isn’t there anymore

My wings!
The pain I can feel,
Will match nothing you have ever felt
Or seen
Or heard
In a lifetime
My wings are being
Ripped off
Away from me
By my own creations
And he watches
Yet he will not save me,
Will not move a finger
Only smile,
A loving smile
That tears my heart away too
And I understand it
Life was never fair
The blood staining my feathers,
The blood pouring from my back,
Makes this
And I will kill him for that

I screech
Anything to get away from those things I made
And to him
To kill him
His wings will fail
When I attack him
He will fall
And lie still
It cannot hurt me,
And he will not hurt anyone else,
Only me
I cry
My wings have fallen
I fall with them
White wings,
They were stained with red blood
We hit the ground

I sob
Holding my wings to my chest
One thought has the time to form,
My wings had been torn away
Before they had lived,
One memory returns,
The love of that one flight,
A last feeling,
A crying girl,
Her tears mingling with her blood,
And her wings clasped over her chest

I disappeared long ago
