My apology for your vomit

Hello, welcome to my humble abode
Where the devil can come and say, hey how's it goin'?
Judgements are made frequently and high expectations and brought
Don't worry though, you'll love it
We've got cookies and milk--only...
The cookies are made from dirt and the milk withholds magets
Wait, where are you going? Don't walk away--come see
The carpets are drenched with blood, but the spare room is friendly
The skeletons are quiet enough
My hands only shake because---no Im not scared--atleast not yet
Look, I'm smiling, please stay--I don't bite
You'll love my family, though they are different--they only yell sometimes
Don't mind the scars they're old news
When your in my home, you're forced to forget
It's expected--surely what's best for me, only...
I do you forget? but shhh, don't say a word
I don't get much guests, you understand? No, of course you don't
Come on, into my bedroom--my closets lacking clothes
But go ahead and befriend all the skeletons
Yah, death seems to linger at my front door--what? Are you scared?
Do I intimidate you? Surely you're a little frightened.
It's okay though, eventually you'll leave--they all do
Sure your scared, but you can willingly forget--so smile dear
I'll carry all our memories---whats another skeleton in my closet?