Sometimes I feel like the world is going to end.
I don't know what to do, I'm scared, so scared of what people might think.
I see blue Sky's, but when I close my eyes I see destroyed places,
places that I remember and all the people I knew are gone from this world.
I'm scared and want to runaway, faraway where no one will find me.
Sometimes I feel like the world is going to end.

I'm in a place where I'm all alone.
At first I was happy, but then I felt how lonely I really was.

I'm still scared.
Scared of everything in the world.
I never had a true friend, so that is why the world is going to end...
... for me...
The world will stop turning, just stop for me because I will be gong soon and here I am here to say that you were always there for me and Thank You for the memories you gave to me.
Sometimes the world will stop for people in this world,
when there time has ended and they have to move on to another life in another period in time,
but this time the world has ended for me.

At last I am asleep forever,
I'm now a peace with my soul... free...