Running journey

The person inside me is always crying.

I sometimes have these thoughts of the person I wish to be is crying,
deep withing myself.
Or is it the self I want to be coming out.

I never cry on the outside,
but that doesn't mean I don't cry.

Getting good grades and being good in school. I ask...
" What was the spill on me last year to get those grades?"
" Why did it disappear?"
" Is that the self I want to be a person who is good in school?"
My true self is a regular girl, that just wants to get by.

A spell can be on you're side or to destroy you.
Maybe... this is the punishment I get for acting like someone else.

The person inside me is starting to fade away... into nothing.
What will happen if it fades away completely?
Will I disappear?
My heart, would it change?

If it does disappear I want to go with it.

I sometimes get thoughts of running away from this town,...
...this country,...
... this world.

Just run and forget everything that happened in the past,
from when I started running .

When I'm running away I wonder if I'll cry?

It doesn't matter because...

I'm going to disappear from this world...

once I get to the end point of my...

...running journey...