I got school tomorrow

I'm here in my bed with the covers over my head.
'Why?' you may ask...
Its because I'm trying to drown out the noise of the people in the kitchen partying and getting drunk listening to loud music with them talking, playing games, and trying to sing to the songs they know that come onto the radio.

I'm here in my bed wide awake and its already 11:09P.M.
Half the people went home while the rest stayed unwillingly,
because they passed out.

I then quietly get up from my bed and walk into the kitchen,
where there's 2 people on the ground near the window.
I creep over to the room coming off of the kitchen
and there's another 2 on the bed in there.
I step over to the still turned on radio, I turn that off and turn around,
to look at the scene in my kitchen.
I see beer cans everywhere, half eaten pizza, and their foods.
I sigh, and get to work, by the time i start its already 11:32P.M.

First, I grab a garbage bag from the closet and start with the cans.
I pick up all the beer cans, crush them trying not to make much noise.
While the cans that still have liquid in them I put them in the sink to drain them, then crush them too.

After I make sure I got all the cans, I then go to the food.
I go grab another garbage bag and start picking up all the food,
while putting the dishes in the sink.
Awhile passes and its already 12:45A.M. and I'm finally finished cleaning everything, so I go to bed,
...i got school tomorrow.