
Lately I've been acting different.
I'm not as hyper,
or as crazy as i used to be.

I used to be afraid to be alone.
Now I always want to be alone,
and when I do I space myself from everyone else.

What's happening to me?
I'm writing poems,
and listening to dark music.

I don't really like my preppy friends anymore,
and it doesn't amuse me when they act all crazy.
It used to
but now it doesn't.

I feel closer to myself than I ever have before.
But my preppy friends feel they're losing me.

When I came out that I was goth,
most accepted me but some didn't.

So I made new friends.
They're dark just like me.
I've talked to them on AIM
and I feel like they know me better than my preppy friends do.

Am I going emo?