My Fine Dark Brown Hair

I am nothing but a disgrace,
a failure that'll never amount to anything
but I bit my tongue...
I bit my tongue so hard the blood dripped down and saturated into my shirt.
I bit my tongue because if I said anything it would not be me dragged down by those words but by my hair.
My fine, dark brown hair that looks nothing like yours
though many say I'm your spitting image
tell me,
is it you, you see when you look at me?
is it you, that you torment until the panic attacks take over,
is it you that you beat until the bruises turn your favorite color?
is it you that you tear down until there's nothing left?
is it you that will never amount to anything?
the disgrace, the failure...
was it you that bit your tongue until you saw yourself in a child, so innocent and swearing that by the eleventh grade, your name would be in lights?
and was it you
that bit your tongue and never amounted to anything?
that disgrace, that failure
I may bite my tongue
but you are the one
dragged down by the words as I was dragged down by my hair,
my fine dark brown hair