Why Must

Why must
adults yell when they are mad
take it out on us
like we were the cause of their mishap

Why must
peers tease and taunt
those who are not as fortunate
as others

Why must
friends trust you
with secrets they don't want anyone to know
and when everything goes wrong
its all your fault

Why must
our superiors treat us
like we don't matter
like we will never amount to anything in this world

Why must
parents put such small boundries
on what we do
or what we say

Why must
everyone treat the younger generation
like we will never grow up
like we will never learn from our mistakes
like we will never mean anything
like what we says will never be true
like we don't know anything about life,
even though
we have been living the hardest part of it
for years


Why must
we keep asking
and not doing anything about it?