
Colours of the rainbow
All a secret meaning
Red and Yellow
Pink and Green
Purple and Orange
And Blue
Children so naïve
Singing all day long
Of he rainbow they can see
Never knowing
The colours can all
Be something so mean
So gloomy
So dark and cold.

Red for blood…
Pouring down the clean white drain
A single cut on a young girl’s wrist
A broken heart she has now got.
A way to ease her pain
A cut to her wrist
Her pain now gone
Rushing down the drain.

Yellow for happiness
That is now long gone
With the sunshine went her love
At night comes hate
A world so cruel and dark
No more sunshine, now the rain
The young girl now
Feeling all her pain

Pink for lust
Not love just lust
A young girl’s first love
But he just feels lust
He breaks her heart
He sees her cry
She runs to a bathroom
A cut to the wrist, to end her pain

Green for grass
Lost so long ago
With no rain comes drought
Not only the grass will die
A young girl feels the pain
Of her first broken heart
Just like grass she will die
Wither and die…Wither and die

Purple for a violet
Growing slowly in the field
Until a little girl comes
And breaks it’s precious stem
No water left
No food to survive
The violets’ life now over
As well as a broken soul

Orange for a sunset
So pretty yet so short
Like a young girl’s life
Born a broken child
After a short time of just 15 years
Her life will end
She will end it herself
Blood down the drain
Her life will end
Just like the sunset

Blue for water
So cold
So icy
So dangerous
The young girl’s cries
They can not hear
Head under water
Running out of air
She drowns to death
The once pale blue water
Now stained with red
She cut her wrists
And drowned herself
Her pain is gone
No one will care

Red and Yellow
Pink and Green
Purple and Orange
And blue
Next time you sing of the rainbow
Think of all the bad
No more happiness
Just pain and death
This rainbow you now see…