You Have Shown Me

**Please don't kill me because I bashed everyone's beloved vampires. This is just my opinion.This is also my first ever poem so sorry if it's not great!**

Comments are appreciated.

They think your so lovely
Your skin flawless white,
But they surely neglect the fact
That you kill in the night.

They would rather choose you
Over their own human kind,
And for that reason I think
They are sick in their mind.

If only those people
Would open their eyes and see,
The hideous creature
You have shown me.

You kill mercilessly
The innocent people you caught,
For the scarlet life force
That you so fervently sought.

I admit that I was one
Of the many people you seduce,
But now I realize that your mystery
Was not a good excuse.

Luckily I was smart enough
To see past your charming lies,
Now unfortunately for you
You won’t hear my bloody cries.

But their minds are still clouded
Not seeing the lives that you wreck,
Hopefully they’ll notice this
When your fangs are in their neck.

If only those people
Would open their eyes and see,
The hideous creature
You have shown me.