The definition of love

Love is an art
That is filled with lies
And filled with silent cries
How many times must I relive all this
How many times must I dread a kiss
Why can’t you understand
That I am not ok
I wish you would see
That I am fucked up beyond reasoning
I can’t fix it
Any of it
All of it stems from you
I hate all the things you do
I hated how you made me feel
But the truth is none of this is real

Love is like a con artist
Simply it hurts you
You fall into it
Then your hurt again
It isn’t obvious at first
All this comes from the first guy to break your heart
I am not perfect
No not any longer
I am not innocent anymore
Since I was stolen
Now I am much like your average whore
Look beneath the surface
And maybe you will get a glimpse
Of the side of me that I keep hidden
From the average eye
It takes someone strong
To knock down the barrier
That I built so high and so tall
I guess all I am looking for is the person to make it fall

Love can be good I guess
If you are lucky enough to find the best
Not many people do
So many people are stranded in their mind
all because of guys like him
Life seems so bright when they are near
Until you get closer and all you feel is fear
I get scared so easily
I need someone who can deal with me
Especially then
When I am a sobbing mess
From thinking about all the things that have been done
To me is my past
Most of all I want someone who will last
After all the information surfaces
Then that guy would probably be the one for me
Sad thing is there is very few of those around
And very few you will ever meet
But if you do
Please refer him to me