Hating - It Hurts

It hurts when people talk about hating someone,

It's worse when it's behind my back,

It can hurt more if you're the one being hated,

Hate, Yeah it's a big fuck off word that alot of you use,

But do you actually know what it really means?

It means that you either hate] someone with intense dislike,

Or you hate them with a passion,

If so, what one is it with me?

I know I'm hated by everyone of you,

So what's stopping me from hurting?

Is it the fact that I know your hate isn't real?

Or is it because I know you're completely fake?

Or is it because I don't want to hurt anymore?

I don't know,

I don't own my life anymore,

You do.

For some reason you're controlling each move,

Each touch,

Each word,

Even how I'm typing right now,

You're doing this with your fake hate,

And I'm bored of it because I know you're there.


Every sound you make, I hear you,

Every move you make, I see you,

Even every breath you take, I feel you,

And do you want to know why?

It's because I am you.