Life is So Hard To Live

So far my life has been a blank canvas
No beautiful colors inhabit it
Sometimes I wonder if they ever will
I know I am still young
But I want to fill it up
Even though she says
I would wish it were the opposite
I want to jump ahead
To where my canvas is painted
With marvelous colors
That is not just black and red
I crave to live life
I have to hold back
I am still too young
To let true love in
It probably won’t happen
I wish it would
She thinks she knows
What I’m talking about
But does she really listen
She understands me
She knows me
She doesn’t judge me
For who or what I am
If I ever have a problem
She is the one I tell
I thought I could trust my old friend
But she laughed
When I talked about my true passions
She said she thought it was disgusting
She thought I would never begin
I proved her wrong
And now she wants
To be just like her old friend
Settings have changed
And so have people
We aren’t the same anymore
I used to be able to talk to her
But now It doesn’t feel the same
I’ve found a few new friends
One who really knows the truth
I can be my self and let her in
Without worrying what she thinks about
If only everyone was like her
She her self knows who
She and I share dreams
That may or may not come true
We will have to wait
And hope the results turn out