
I’ve tried to make myself feel better
It doesn’t seem to be working
I don’t know why
But I feel so low
I don’t even enjoy my favorite bands lyrics
I feel sick
But not really
I feel stupid
I feel bad
Emotionally sad
I take from people
But never give back
Or that’s how I feel I treat people
And so we may be great friends
But those she love
Do not approve of me
They feel I am a bad influence
Nothing good
I am but a stuck up child
Who changes her mind too often?
I’m already gone
But to hear these words
To come from my friend
It burns
I’ve already changed her so much
Its obvious I’m not going back
But will she
Will my influences
Change her for the worse
I hope not
But I think that she may have to change
That her family will force her
Losing the one good friend I have
Will we understand each other then
As well as we do now
She would not be the same person
Or will she stay the way she is now
That is all I hope
That I have not screwed up
And lost my one true friend