The Light

My soul has been trapped in darkness,
For it is my shield, my shell, and my knight.
I use it to keep my protected,
In a world full of absence and light.

My life has been filled with this darkness;
It's surrounded me every single day.
I've waited, in hope I'll escape it,
But I know in my heart there's no way.

I've given into the darkness through waiting.
Waiting for my life to bring love.
For I know that he is still waiting
In a Future that has still yet to come.

On this night I sit at my paper,
Writing my hopes and my dreams:
I hope that one day he'll find me,
So we may walk where the pale moon gleams.

But for now my soul is in darkness,
Surrounded by this protective night.
I sit here, forever waiting,
For my love to bring forth the light.