Six Feet From The Edge And I’m Thinking....

Maybe you just don't get it
Without you everything is less complicated
You fuss about everything and everyone if something is messed up
Haven't you realized no ones perfect?
Nothing ever really is.
You scream at the top of your lungs because your life is horrible.
Is it really that horrible?
Or do you just like the negative attention?
People are far worse off than you are, sweetie.
It appears to me and people around you that you like negative attention.
Its only because you act like a total whore.
You flirt with every guy you see.
And you wear ugly, trashy things.
Have you looked in the mirror lately?
I guess not.

Keep applying that makeup; it won't help.
Don't try to be something you're not.
It only means you're as fake as BARBIE.
But at least shes pretty.
Don't be two-faced.
Because not even one of those faces are pretty, dude.

And you act like you're all that.
But i'll tell you the truth, right now; YOU'RE NOT!
You think everyone likes you.
Guess what, we don't.
Life isn't fair, so don't be so dramatic!
Save all that drama for your annoying mama!
And get a grip.
People aren't always understanding.
And they're not always nice.
Its just the way the world is, nowadays.

And don't do something just because someone else does it!
Don't be stupid!
If they jumped off a bridge, would you do it too, if they told you it was cool?
I hope not, but most likely you will.
Copycats aren't cool.
Everyone knows that!
Don't act as if you're not a backstabber.
Everyone is in some way.

You've gotta learn things the hard way.
Its THAT simple.
Don't overcomplicate things.
It just means Drama rides on your back when you do.
And no one likes drama.
But its everywhere.
No one likes gossipers.
And thats why no one likes you.
You have no real friends and thats such a shame.
I'm sure you'd make a good friend if you lost all your overdramatized, complicated issues.
But that'll never happen.
So you're definitely out of luck.

And thats such a sad sob story that no one really cares about.
The truth hurts and you don't like that fact.
But its how the world is.
Thats alright, go ahead and act like you have it bad.
It'll just make great conversation in the locker room.
Oh and don't leave your locker open.
People can be pretty nasty.

Fake people don't have real stuff.
They only have Fake friends.
Fake gossip.
Fake words.
Fake lips.
And a fake mind.
You're full of all those fake thoughts, aren't you girl?
Thats alright, maybe you'll find a fake friend thats just like you.
There are too many of those kind of people in the world.

Don't just sit their and complain about the stuff thats so horrible in your life!
Get up and do something about it!
If you like that stupid boy that doesn't give a crap about you,
then do something about it!
Because i'm seriously sick of listening to you're over-stated words.
And no, no i won't be your messenger!
I don't care that you like such & such and you want him to know that.
Do i have "stupid & gullable" written across my face?
You could only dream.
I'm not who you think i am and i won't ever be!

Oh god, don't start copying me!
Do you realize how annoying that is?
Please don't say you like a band when you only know the name of that band.
And don't say you love them when you only know like 5 words from one of their songs.
You'll ruin it for people and thats not a good idea.
Don't ask me to hang out with you because when it comes to you I'm busy.

Oh so you think i'm rude?
Honey that doesn't bother me one bit!
You think i'm stuck up?
Well, only when it comes to you!
Yes, i know i AM mean.
Its usually on purpose.
And i'm gonna be rude when you push my buttons.
Its only natural.
And, oh yes, i'm gonna be cantankerous when you aggravate me.
Its the way i am.
If you don't like it, you can say whatever you have to say to my face.
But, darling, i'm not here for you to like.
And if you don't like the way i do my makeup don't look at me.
Its as simple as that!