
You can cry me a stream,
You can cry me a river,
but never cry me a ocean because
If you cry me an ocean
I drown in your sorrows

But you walk away and leave me
just because I caused your pain
"I'm sorry!" I cry out
as my head sinks under the water
and just when I think that
all hope is lost, the bright light
is seen again

you pull me out of the ocean
and force me onto the sand
but when I look up to say thank you,
You just walk away again
black tears staining the sand you walk upon

You fly away into the sky on the darkest angel wings
"Come back, I'm sorry" I yell
sputtering out water from my drenched lungs
You turn and with a firm look
you say "You're Forgiven."

and with that you leave me all alone
soaked in water, facing the sun
and watching you leave
"Your Forgiven"
but the question I have to ask my dark angel is