Could you?

Why would you smile if there's nothing to smile about?
Why cry if there's nothing to cry about?
Why face life when there's nothing to be challenged?
Why do bad things happen to the ones who do good?
Have you ever noticed that bad stuff happen to good people too?
And here we were thinking that we were invincible to evil
invincible to pain and sorrow
I guess not,

We're only invincible to the big parts of pain and sorrow
but we're left with the rest
left to soak in sweat from working hard at being great
We stay faithful, but I guess that it's just a test
A test to see how we can survive the stress
A test of disappointment when you find out your not good enough
But the question is,
Can you fail a test that big?

If put to a test of faith, and threatened with drowning in our own failure,
Who will raise up on top?
Who will float and who will sink?
Who will survive the pain?
It doesn't make sense, but nothing ever does.

Whatever you think makes sense, only makes sense because you think it does
whatever doesn't make sense is everything
If put to the test of faith..the faith test,
Would you sink or float?
Now, that make's sense,
doesn't it?