Time To Dance

I feel the music running through me, my feet have no choice
But to dance as the notes fly

The feeling incredible as I jump to the beat,
I keep in time with every part of the song.

I know what to do, every step and every count.
The other dancers around me are doing the same.

My favorite part of the song is coming up.
I must keep in beat what would happen if I messed up?

We are all in count doing just great.
I feel like I might just loose it! I must keep straight.

The fast notes are flying at me from all directions
I think I will fall and disappoint everyone around me.

I know I can do it so I finish strong
And take my final bow with the rest we did no wrong.

We know we did it and we are proud
And we wave as we find our parents in the crowd

They smile brightly letting us know
They saw how we did so well

Our teachers come out with glow in their faces
All our hearts are going at fast paces.

The dance is done, the night is over,
We have no mistakes we have to cover.

My mom runs up and gives me a hug
My dad comes over and gives my hair a tug.

I’ve done my best, it was enough,
Even thought the journey was really tough.