Broken Heart in the End

I gave my heart away, and in the end I got it back damaged.
I'm not mad at him when I know I really should be, but deep down inside I'm sure he still love's me.
He made me feel complete.
He made me feel loved.
And best of all.
He made me feel what love actually was.

How can you hate the person that you love.
How can you hate the person that was willing to do anything for you.
How can you hate the person that means the world to you.
You can't, even when you try. It's not possible and it's not right.

I don't hate him I really really don't. I just wonder why, and how I'm gonna deal.
He told me to get over him, I tried and in the end failed.
All I ask is to hear from you, to talk to my love.
But deep down inside it won't happen my love.
So in the end.....

I gave away my heart to you, but in the end you gave it back broken....

I wish you could fix it again!