Before I met you

Before I met you,
My heart was stuck in darkness,
It sat in a corner,
And cuddled up to itself to keep warm,

In the darkness,
Shadows flew from far and wide,
Whispering it's ear,
'No one loves you',

In the darkness,
It stayed for years on end,
In that same little corner,
Waiting for away out,

Then I met you,
A flicker emerged,
As it woke from it's darkened slumper,
It started to live,

After time it woke up even more,
Light was shining,
Taking away the darkness,
From that corner it had been in for so long,

When you hugged me for the first time,
The darkness had vanished,
Away from that corner,
Everywhere was alight,

Now that I have you,
To call my own,
My heart always shines,
At every moment I spend with you,

I love you so much Craig
And I hope you know that.