The Tears of a Friend

Blow me off act like I don't matter don't worry its fine!
It's not the first time someone has hurt me.
I put on a happy face and let you think your helping me, but really inside it's sad, your the one that's hurting me!

The tears roll down my face when I think about the things that upset me.
What happened to we will be ther for each other?
I'm always there for you, if I'm not I atleast try!
But you don't you care; you might for a second, then your gone.
I feel left out from you and I'm trying to stay in but the harder I try the more it backfires on me.
Did you know that, that I feel left out and that I will never catch up to you.

So have your fun! Don't worry about me! I'l do what I always do and what I'm good at and pretend! But one day you'll look back and wonder why were not friends!