Let's Dance In The Rain Tonight

Let's dance in the rain tonight.
It falls gently from the sky.
Falling gently on the ground.
Let's dance, as long as we can.
Dont let anyone tell us we cant be.
For nothing can seperate you from me.

Let's dance in the moonlit sky.
Let's dance as the world sleeps.
We're awake and dreaming of places far off.
Let's dance while we can.
Let's show them the way we feel.
Let's show them that they have to deal.

Let's dance in the moonlit streets.
As the rain patters around our feet.
Let's show them what we mean.
Let's show them. It has to be seen.
We can't hide how we feel anymore.
We got to wade beyond the shore.

Let's dance that moonlit dance.
Let's dance in the rainy romance.
Nothing will seperate you from me.
That's how it will be.
It might take all our might.
But it'll be worth it.
Let's go dance in the rain tonight