why fighting?

whats the point of fighting?
why do people fight?
why do teens fight with there best friends?
why do we wast our time fighting?

fighting is pointless
you may think you have have a really good reason for fighting
but you probly dont
people fight over pointless things
like changing personalitys, boy friends, or just saying stuff mean

why do people fight any ways?
fighting doesnt make you feel good
fighting can cause you to get stressed
fighting with people is like throwing away your reputation

why are teens always fighting
you are wrecking a friend ship just by fighting
you can loose alot of friends just by fighting with one person
fieghting doesnt do any thing good

fighting is just a wast of time
do people fight because they have nothing better to do?
when people fighting it harms other people
and soon you r wrecking other peoples life just by fighting

so do every body a favor and dont fight
its just a waste of time
and move on