
I'm tired of hearing it, hearing it from you,
you say you can't stand, without a person or two,
can't you see, you lean to much,
you lay on some else and can't stand up,
you need someone, to keep you standing, day in day out,
you can't stand by yourself, you now what,
stop doing this, stop it all, your strong, you can stand, so stop thinking you have to have a hand, stop thinking you can't go on, cause someone you lean on, let you fall. just stand up, and keep on, stand on your own, not by someone's help, it's helps to know, you can go on, without knowing you have to have the world holding your hand. lean alittle and and then stand straight. cause when you lean alittle on someone, and they push you off, you know you can then keep your self from falling and keep walking on.