Falling In Dispair (Part One)

We walk through the valley of tears
hoping to get rid of the fears
The fear of Falling In Dispair
And falling and falling in pain
Cursing, screaming God's name in vain

Crying, you don't know what hit you
You just fell...and don't know what to do

Screaming for someone to take your hand
But no one could hear, they couldn't understand

And the blood is pouring out of your face
You knew this was going to be a horrible place

You still dont know what made you fall
You can't remember it at all

But you have to accept that this is the end
This is your fate, tell yourself again and again

You feel this can't get much worse, this is so old
But your wrong because everything burns from the cold

You swear to yourself you'll get out alive
All you have to do is run for your life

It's your fear of the vampires, the fear of the dead
But you're letting this go to your head

THis isn't the worst of the suffering. You'll feel much worse
Because this isn't a nightmare, this is your curse...