For Mothers

On this day of yours
You should celebrate!
Go out and party-
Have fun with other mothers-
Or just relax and sitback
Forget all your worries and troubles

Mom you are special to us
You have done a lot for us
Giving us clothes, food, heat, and water
Almost breaking you back to make us happy
But today you don't have to do that!
Today is your day
(But not tomorrow)

We shall cook(burn) the food for you
We shall clean(dirty) the house for you
We shall come(laze around) when you call

We won't(should) bother you
We won't(will) give you attitude
We won't(did) complain

The reason why this holiday is made
Is beacause
It reminds you on how many
Dirty dipers you had to change
Many beautiful(butt ugly) pictures you had to hang on the fridge
Many colorful moods you had to deal with
Many fights you had to break up
Many things you had to go through
And many many many many reasons why we say

Happy Mother's Day!
