The Falling Star

The twisted metal
Broken glass
Blood upon pavement
My eyes finally open
I see my Star
His life is pouring out
This Star is fading
Soon it will fall
Why must this Star fade away?
His eyes seem so alive
He knows it’s almost time
His breaths are so shallow
His time to shine no more
His skin is pale
His lips are bloody
His body is broken
Tears fall from my eyes
My Star is falling
His soft lips form a smile
Darling, Stars never fade
They never fall
I’ll never fade
I’ll always be here
His eyes close for the final time
The blue lights surround us
It too late
My Star as fallen
My Star is gone
All because of another
A driver so drunk
He couldn’t drive
Each day that passes
Is harder than the last
His funeral is starting
People file in
His body is cold
No heartbeat
No breath
Only this shell of my Star
Tragic as it seems
But no one says a thing
I pray the funeral ends soon
Tears well up in my eyes
My beautiful Star will never hold me
Never kiss me
Never be with me
I stifle a cry as I accept his death
Goodbye my Star
My heart sinks
As he’s lowered into the ground
The preacher’s words are silent to me
His casket is now covered with dirt
Just 72 hrs ago he was alive
He was shining brightly
Smiling, full of life
Why did this happen?
Why did my Star fall?
Soon everyone departs
Each going to a home
Yet I return alone
I fall onto my bed
My tears falling freely
Eyeliner shows my tears
I feel as though I’m dying without him
I hear a voice, so soft
It seems so far away
“Stars never fade, they never fall”
My eyes adjust to the dark
I see my Star he’s right here
He’s alive
His touch is soft
His voice is pure
“I’ll never fade, if you keep my memory alive”
He kisses me one last time
He holds me one last time
I beg him to stay but I know he can’t
Then he says I too can be a star with him
Take this gun and end it quick
Can I do it?
Can I be with him?
Finger on the trigger
Taking a final breath
Can do it?
Will I do it?
All is quiet
All is calm
A pool of blood at my feet
A halo above my head
Wings upon my back
There he stands
His hands held out
We’ll never be gone
We’ll never be alone
Together forever
Death will never take him from me