Broken Angels

She sits up on her cloud.
Her halo is crooked, her wings are torn,
her smile is missing.
She's lost her fairy tale ending,
with nothing left but the cold.

With a broken spirit, she floats down from her cloud.
No eyes seem to see her,
and her true beauty,
as she falls to the groud.
They walk right through her,
as if there was nothing to her.

She lays on the ground, her body is broken.
No one wants to heal her.
Her eyes search for help, but there is no one to see her.
Her eyes fall on mine, the only one to notice her.
She opens her mouth to cry out for help,
but not a single sound comes out.

I rush to her side,
only to find a car was speeding our way.
Though she wanted to save me,
there was no meaning in keeping me alive.

so together,
with our crooked halos, our wings torn, and our smiles returned,
we float back up to her cloud.

we saw each other when no one else could,
something that makes even the angels sing.