The Easily Stolen Teen Heart.

(yes, I know, the rhyming sucks. I wasn't trying)

To be young and in love
What a tragic little thing.
Naïve little girls read
Too much into flings.

They think they’re in love
As passions burn bright!
Can’t wait for the breakup
Tomorrow night.

When he leaves the girl’s
Heart crumbles away.
She’ll cry and cry and cry.
She doesn’t see a new day.

In a week or two
She’ll have a new man.
He won’t break her heart,
It’s not part of her plan.

Alas, it happens
She’s head-over-heals.
Welcome the breakup!
Embrace how it feels.

It’ll come again soon,
And continue from there.
Teen make-up and break-ups
Never lose their flare.

To be young and in love
There is no such thing.
Don’t get caught up,
It’s only a fling.

I hope you liked it, once you ignore the crap rhymes. I'm sorry if I sound moody, but I'm just tired of reading some of these poems. They sound the same. (Oh, he broke my heart! What ever will I do!) I've written a poem like this before, though I like that one better cuz it's funnier. If you read this and hate me, oh well. It's not like we'll ever meet in person anyway. I'm just another blogger.
