Another World

I’m feeling squeezed from every angle
But I’m sitting in the middle of the city square
I’m feeling like I’m alone in the world
But there’s thousands of happy, shopping people around me
I’m feeling like I can’t breath
But still the oxygen reaches my nostrils
My heart is pounding with triple speed
But I’m not moving
I can’t hear anything
But people are talking, music is playing, birds are singing
No one hears me
But I’m screaming with all my voice
I’m feeling like I can’t move
But no one is holding me back
I’m feeling paralyzed
But still my entire body is shaking
I need to talk to somebody
But when I call up somebody, I don’t know what to say
I feel like running
But I can’t move from the spot I’m sitting at
People are just passing by me
Bumping into me
Doesn’t see my frustration
My fear
The would never get it
I’m trapped in another world
I’m trapped in the fist of sociophobia