
As time passes by
And we don’t know why
With the beautiful sky
That reaches so high
And as we try
To say good-bye
To all the things that were a lie
Sometimes we even wish to die
And we even feel someone is fie
And wish we could fly
Wish we could sit back with pie
And untie
All the messed up things that lie
Or even erase everything with lye

As time advances everyday
And we wish to stay
And just lay
Somewhere as soft as hay
And not somewhere similar to a cay
And wish we can delay
All the bad things that are here to stay
And just say hey
To everyone that walks our way
And no one would walk away
A day we could all say
Things that are kind to each other on the bay
Where no one would be a jay
And no one would have an unworthy price to pay

As time skips ahead
Each day filled with dread
At the thought of being dead
And having bleed
For wanting to have fled
And being sick in the head
And looking forward to cutting the thread
The fear of being helplessly led
And emotions being dropped like lead
Where the flaws cannot be shed
And not being feed
And not being able to hug a ted
All the terrifying nightmares we had lying in bed
Where everything is colored red
And we need med

As time quickly creeps
And hopeful joy leaps
And death peeps
Through the door that keeps
The grim reeps
From bringing heaps
Of trouble to peps
With treacherous jeeps
That seem to beep
With an alarming ieep
When people are being reap
And no one gets sleep
With gashes that are deep
While other sit around and weep
As blood seeps
From the wound that deeps

As time ticks
We must fix
All the rips
And all the trips
That our flaws lip
Like chips and dip
And our life flips
While we take sips
Of the kicks
That inflicts
Our options we face at hip
That we choose to ignore and lie in a kip
Instead of opting to nip
All the imperfections we tip
That is rough just like pip
That is just as obvious as a yip

As time goes by rapidly
It goes along like rhapsody
And with such audacity
Flows just like Cassidy
With too much capacity
Nothing can last in thee
But we won’t give up that easy
No, we won’t have it he
Knows that this is a catastrophe
No one will last with me
Just go and let time be
It’s unstoppable can’t you see
It goes on expectantly
Even though we
Don’t want it to gee
It flies like a butterfly indeed
Stings like a bee
Just like Mohammed Alli
And we pay the fee
Cause we wanna be free
As we planned accordantly
To live with all minority
But as we grow old like the majority