
See? Its not that far.
This free fall,
This spiral,
into the abyss.

Don't you see?
Its not that far.
You panic in fear,
As I fall

But don't you see?
Ill only fall forever.
Forever. Its not that long at all.

These names, these faces.
Obstacles that slow down
this blissful fall.

And don't they see?
The pain they cause me?
The stabs of torture they wrench through me carelessly,
As they deter my gravity?

You choke with fear,
Staring wide; calling out my name
Reaching out desperately to stop me.
To stop this blissful fall
Just like the painful faces, the painful names.

But your blind eyes cannot see,
You shall never understand.
The simplicity.

And suddenly, your just another face.
Another name,
Another painful stab that delays this bliss,
Preventing me from my happiness

See? It was never that far at all.
So many stabs, faces filled with empty concern.
They caused the pain,
The vacany that slowly fills me,
To the brim.

And suddenly, This bliss is wreaking havock.
And now I panic, too.
All these names, all these faces.
Reaching out desperately,
Like the branches of a hollow tree.
Detering the gravity,
That brings me ever so close
To my abyss,
My happiness.

Don't they see?
They are blind, too. Just like you.
So my pain is misinterpeted,
And the branches are suddenly sharper,
Holding on with more ferocity,
Tearing me to shreds.

Don't they see?
They are the causes of my agony.
These painful faces, these painful names.
They are detering the wonderful gravity
That brings me close,
Ever so close,
To my abyss;
My happiness.