One thing I love, Everything I love

One thing I love is then rain
How it makes your skin tingle
How it spures the garden to grow
How it washes away the sorrow and regret paved across ones life
How it envelopes you in the cold fresh new begining
How it makes life so much more barable
How it makes you dance and sing with joy
How it is so good to you
How something without thought can make it all better
How much of a gift it is
How it makes a clean slate
How it covers you in wet
How it can be warm
How it can be cold
How the thunder screams delight
How the lightening smiles
How the rain touches you
How the wind dances witht the rain
How each droplett is a gift
How the dew brushs your feet
How you play in the mud
How the smile sticks to your face
How it embrases you in the sweetest of holds
How it refreshes you
How it wakes you up
How it is so mysterious
How it is so special
How it makes you feel better
How it rubs your skin cooly
How it cleanses your soul
How it makes you fel special
How it makes you feel silly
How it makes you feel plan out and flat
How it kisses you everywhere without a thought
How it holds you
How it loves you
How it leaves miricales behind
How it provides life
How it makes rainbows
How it loves so much and expects nothing in return
How it doesn't give up when people say I hate the rain
How it is water
How it is life
How it gets abused for it's unconditional support
How pollution kills it
How it becomes acid and deadly
How it becomes angery and sad
How we killed it
How it is dieing because of us
How we will die because of us

I love the rain
Pollution is killing our planet
A walk in the rain is supposed to be bad
But the rain is my theripist
It helps me feel better
It takes all the hurt and pain I dont want to talk about and gets rid of it
It makes me smile laugh and dance
It makes me happy

Please do not kill it
I love it
Please do not kill it
It loves us
It takes care of us
Without the rain
Without the fresh water
We would be dead
We are killing it
We are killing ourselves
We are killing everything
We are killing everything we love
We are killing everything I love

I really want to stop
But can we
Everything we love
I hope we can stop I really do