To Think about

I'm really sorry.

I see that you are in pain and I don't want you to feel bad.

But I feel sad and can't be glad any longer.

Think of all the people that are in poverty, died, suffering, unloved, uncared for, rapped, killed, stabbed, think about how you would feel if you actually lost your dad and never had to know how much he feels for you and actually loved you, think about how sad he would be if you died, or even had the dream/desire to die just because he does things that make you suffer.

I know you are suffering , but think about the things you have.

The things he gives you, like love, comfort, dignity, and actually cares.

You may have friends, but they will never, ever love you like your family does since the beginning of your life.

They will never see your first breath, like your parents have.

They may love you, but your family will always be there to comfort you, when you get into a fight with them.

I know friends do the same, but at least they will never crush you!

To the burning pits of Hell!