Water Locked

I've been locked up in this room.
Mirrors reflecting my failure.
People's faces reflecting my pain.
I've been dying to get out.

Pry at the lock and my hands only bleed.
Scream at the top of my lungs and only gasp for air.
See only darkness.
Wait until you've fallen into this depth with me.

The death of me.
Air only you can breathe.
I'm begging you to let me out.
Pull me across the ripping hands of doubt.

Catch me when I dive.
Under the water my only escape.
Hold me under.
Bubbles erupt from my lungs.

Pry at the locks but my hands only bleed.
Scream at the top of my lungs and only gasp for air.
See only darkness and suck in water.
Dying in his arms was the way it was meant to be.