Welcome to My Life

I'm sorry I wans't good enough.
I'm sorry I had to fit in to be loved.
I'm sorry I embarressed you.
I'm sorry that my personality isn't true.
That is the only way I could get by in life.
Trying to blend in so I wouldnt cause you strife.
I have realised now that the world is a cruel place.
Not everyone can have joy plastered upon their face.
I sit here on my own.
Everyday I am alone.
'Why cant you be normal!' is what I would get.
Everyone said it and I will never forget.
I never even had one true friend.
My life was too much for them to comprehend.
Beat up at school by kids who don't care.
Just because of how I wear my hair.
Just one day would be a challenge for me.
To come home clean and be bruise-free.
While you are there thinking how great you are, think of those who struggle to make it that far.
You think you have it great, well think this, how would you like it if you had my fate?
You think everyone loves you right? What about those whose lives are a fight?
Think of what you have put me through, trying to make me one of you.
I will never back down to your wave thrusting tide, I will be strong and never let the world take me alive.