Clear Skies

She loves the day
Staring at the clouds
Watching the sky go by
Her life goes on like the crowds

She feels something
Doesn't know
It's so confusing
The many mistakes
Yet her many goals

She's lost
Can somebody help
Find this diamond in the rough
She's insecure
But has hope
In her clouds of grey

Her thoughts blur her vision
Her mind controls her heart
She doesn't know who she is
Has nobody to tell her

She knows she has regrets
But can't name them all
She's learned from her mistakes
Yet something is wrong

She feels lost
Needs somebody to help
She's the diamond in the rough
But doesn't know her potential
She dreams of hope
And joining the circle

She's alone
Got herself and God
Those who support her
She loves yet doesn't know
If they appreciate her

She kicks the rocks
Her mind lost again
Her heart is lost
All in the memories and mistakes
Something is calling

She sees the sky
Her best friend
The eyes of God
The clouds clear to show his blue

A tear rolls down her cheek
She listens
Stops her thoughts and cries
Falls to her knees and raises her arms

God show Himself
She loves the life He gives
She's lost her heart
Cause she thought so hard

Thought of herself
Thought of her looks
Knows why the world was blurred
She forget all of that
Which God made her thankful for

Sitting in tears
She watches the sky
Smiling forgetting her regrets
Thanking God
Thanking Him for calling

She listened.
Opened her heart
The part which God left from her thoughts
God cleared it all
Gave her clear skies

She's living in clear skies