A Single Flashing Star

Darkness pools at my feet, like blood,
staler than the mold that spreads itself
across the threshold of my being.

It swirls and ripples, creating a vortex,
threatening me, almost ready to swallow
me alive and destroy my very existence.

It waits for the opportune moment; for the
second that I doubt its power to relinquish
the flame that burns deep within my soul.

The moment arrives and I rue the day that I
let myself go, allowing myself to be cast into the
oblivion that is lying just below me, sucking me into it's

I'm sinking into an inescapable pit of the blackest,
most bitter-sweet molasses to ever roam the shadowy
corridors that we call the World.

Giving up hope for salvation, I let myself be dragged under
the sticky surface, raising up my arms to prolong the
agony of the breath being pulled from my lungs, in a last
gesture that will ensure that I never forget what I gave up.

Just before my eyes are swallowed up, I look to the twilight-
stricken sky, where I find that there is a single flashing star
calling my name and descending upon the darkness and ultimately,

In that single star, I see a hand reaching for my own,
desperate to not let me fade into a destiny that is not my
own, but another's who learned of a way to escape it.

The hand's fingertips brush mine; a frosty pleasure that sends
a rush of heat throughout my numb nerve system, thus creating
a flash of hope and a burst of faith within my near-devoured soul.

In that second of calm surrender, I know who lies within the star.
It is you; the one who always could pull me from the darkest depths
and could hold me in a comforting embrace for what seemed like an
eternity that was filled to the brim with your gentle love.

You grasp my hand and shoot back up into the sky from wence you
came, rescuing me from the most horrible of deaths like I always
knew that, if the time came, you would.

Up we soar to land on the frosty moon, where we lie on the cold
sheets of its surface, warming eachother with the flames fickering
in our once star-crossed hearts.

I gaze into your piercing, silver eyes and wonder how I became
the liquidy light that now shines in them.