
There is an emptiness inside me, ravaging my soul like the Emptiness in the Neverending Story. It feels like I'm falling and you're too far away to hold my hand and catch me right out of the sky. And though it sometimes seems like a simple dream, I know that you're falling out of love with me, yet you deny it. And once we are through you will move right on, telling me that it felt like we were over a long time ago. You'll love my kin until she feels like she's falling and you'll let her fall right out of the sky. Then you'll turn back to me and tell me that you always loved and beg me to let us try again. But, you know, as much as I love you, I can never take you back. It would be...way too much to bear, knowing what you have done with my best friend, my sister. Yes, I need you, but not the way I did before. Though I miss the trees, the grass, the ring, the hiding from laughing, raucous people and the beauty of your eyes in the moonlight, I could never want that with you, ever again. I guess you could say that once was enough, if not too much. I love you, are just too much to bear.