Sleeping Beauty.

stitched fabric seats
right there is a premonition
the people around me,
sure of fate.
can they have no fear?
am i the only sane one here
the paint-chipped door creaks open
whispering my name.
i uncurl myself from the chair
no one ceases to stare.
her eyes dart around the dark room
fixing gaze on me
and bends a dusty finger, bones cracking
it seems by her supposed magic
i am weightless
and everyone disappears.
gasp. slam. breathe.
wandering down the dim-lit corridor
hands clench to fists
should i dare turn my head?
i may see the unexplainable
mysteries revealed before my eyes
i marvel at the fantasy,
one golden door among all the imposters.
she interrupts the wonder
and i'm shoved inside.
pale green chairs with plastic covers,
makes me quiver.
how could i have thought this
golden door was an oppurtunity
is lost to me.
blink, and the machine whirs
strapping the mask over my face,
creating a sleeping beauty
would you pray for me?