
I was once a normal being
Until they took me away
Blindfolded, gagged, and cuffed
So I couldn’t fight back
To the drug I’d been given
When I came to my senses
I awoke to a completely white room
An asylum was my first thought
Two men came in
Armed and ready
They dragged me out of bed
To my surprise I was dressed
In a lilac ballgown
Heeled shoes, and a feathered hat
Stumbling along the sterilized corridor
Soaking in my surroundings
I was suddenly pushed
Surrounded by a sea of people
Lines of some kind
Leading to some sort of window
I stumbled aimlessly into a line
Very confused about this entire place
Everyone dressed the same as me
The burly guards walk out
I feel the sudden urge to bolt
But yet some magnetic force
Keeps me here
I’ve now reached the window
A shadowed creature hisses my name
Alarmed, I jump back in shock
Operation room seven, miss
I stand, stunned at my post
What do they mean operation?
Something pierces my arm
I crumple to the floor
When my eyes flutter open
I look and find myself
Chained to a white table
An operating table
Feelings of sheer terror
They overwhelm me
Men in white coats come in
With equipment I’ve never seen
Long metal objects and
Strange machinery that I know
Cannot be made for the better
One of the men
Comes and removes
A single lilac shoe
He starts shaving it down
Until it’s the size of a nickel
Glancing at me every so often
Protruding a yellow toothed smile
The men work hard
Making both shoes and
My flowered hat
Sizes unimaginable, yet still
Keeping the details
Like the apparel had
Been shrunken
Now I panic
Because realization hit
Knowing my destiny
Long after the men did
They advance towards me
He who took my lilac shoe
Takes a freshly sharpened blade
A calming wake comes upon me
I cannot change my fate