I'm Just a Girl

I’m Just A Girl

“Hey!” She turns and looks at me as though I’m an alien.

They talk about school, sleepovers, more school, the latest movie, oh and did I mention school?

“I like your hair!”

“Thanks!” she says and moves on to the group of boys over there.

They open circles for their friends and ignore me.

Who am I? I’m just a girl. A girl that has no friends, that’s shy around boys. I’m different. My parents don’t own a fancy house or the newest car. I don’t wear the latest fashion, I don’t wear make-up, I don’t own a cell-phone, my computer time is limited, I don’t swear or cuss, I don’t have a boyfriend, I’ve never been kissed, I’ve been to five states, two I don’t remember, one is the one I’m living in, I still like to play, My mom can’t drive, so I’ve never played sports, I don’t play an instrument, 50% of what I buy is bought with my own money. I’m just a girl.

They pretend to know me saying things like, “I know you!” But they don’t. They seek out their friends, but me? I try to find someplace to go so I don’t look like an idiot. Sometimes I wish I could of walked over and sat with my brother at the table with Stare Boy. I could’ve talked about what artists I like and not gotten judged as an over obsessive Jonas Brothers fan. I’m not. I’m just a girl.

I don’t have parents taking me to go everywhere I want to go. I keep a lot of secrets. I have one no one would ever guess. Why is it that I’m agreeing with almost everything Jordan Pruitt sings in “Outside looking in”? No they don’t say mean things. It’s the thing they don’t say. “Hey!” “Hi!” “What’s up?” Why is it always ME saying those things? Because I’m just a girl. I’m tired of watching others have strong friendships. I want one. But I’m just a girl. It will never change unless they decide to change. Until then I’m just a girl.